Cali VanCleve

Cali VanCleve is a rising junior at Rhodes College, majoring in International Studies and Russian. As an international adoptee, she continues to experience systemic issues as a non-natural-born citizen. Cali's experience in civic and deep narrative engagement drives her to make positive changes for immigrant and refugee communities across Tennessee. Through the Bonner Scholars program, Cali works as a Community Organizer serving on the Memphis Interfaith Coalition for Action and Hope's (MICAH) Immigration and Inclusivity team. On campus, she is active with Amnesty International, Rhodes Student Government, the Bonner Leadership Team, and Rhodes Ambassadors. She is a recipient of The Centre for Asian and Pacific Islanders (CAPI) Policy Initiative Fellowship based in Minnesota. Cali is preparing to spend her summer in Thailand for an internship and fall semester immersing in the Russian language in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Cali aspires to devote her career to public service, creating a country where all can thrive–not just survive–regardless of their country of origin.