John Paculdo Koenigshofer

John Paculdo Koenigshofer, a student of Public Policy and History at University of California - San Diego, works to advance causes for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs). As a Filipino-American and the son of an immigrant, John's AAPI identity is central to his commitment to public service. In Washington D.C., he led a bipartisan advocacy campaign to expand federal support for AAPI-serving institutions of higher education. He has interned for U.S. Senator Alex Padilla and State Assemblymember Tasha Boerner and worked on Congressmember Mike Levin's re-election campaign. John currently serves as a Youth Ambassador for APIAVote, a mentor in the San Diego API Network, a board member on his university's Asian and Pacific-Islander Student Alliance, and a member of UC San Diego's student government. After graduating from UC San Diego, John seeks to continue his advocacy for AAPI interests as a legislative staffer in Congress; he then intends to pursue a joint MPP and J.D. focused on voting rights policy. A Southern California native, John hopes to return to San Diego once his education is complete and continue serving the lively, diverse community he calls home.