The Lebowitz Prize for Philosophical Achievement and Contribution


About the Award

The Dr. Martin R. Lebowitz and Eve Lewellis Lebowitz Prize for philosophical achievement and contribution is awarded by the Phi Beta Kappa Society in conjunction with the American Philosophical Association. Each year, the award is presented to a pair of philosophers who hold contrasting views of an important philosophical question that is of current interest both to the field and to an educated public audience. The associated Lebowitz symposium is presented annually at a divisional meeting of the American Philosophical Association. To promote the discipline of philosophy to wider audiences, the Phi Beta Kappa Society invites the Lebowitz Prize winners to engage in a dialogue as guests on an episode of the Key Conversations Podcast. Both societies are grateful to Eve Lewellis Lebowitz for her generous bequest, honoring her late husband, Martin R. Lebowitz, and providing a significant, tangible recognition for excellence in philosophical thought. The dialogic character of the Lebowitz symposium and public presentation, supported by the Lebowitz bequest, emphasizes the historic work of philosophy as a process of inquiry. 

Prize Details

  • The Lebowitz Prize winners will present their views and engage in a dialogue at an annual Lebowitz symposium, held during an APA divisional meeting, and in an episode of the podcast Key Conversations with Phi Beta Kappa.
  • The topic of the lectures shall ordinarily be an important philosophical issue of current interest, with the lectures offering contrasting (not necessarily opposing) views on that topic. The Phi Beta Kappa Society will arrange a second presentation by both honorees in a location and format that is accessible to a wider public audience.
  • Winners will be chosen by a committee appointed jointly by the Phi Beta Kappa Society and the American Philosophical Association and ratified by the Phi Beta Kappa Senate. In selecting the winners, the committee is encouraged to consider candidates who address important philosophical issues using diverse methodologies and perspectives and who, in so doing, are able to communicate important philosophical ideas to specialist and non-specialist audiences.
  • ​Honoraria for the symposiasts are funded from the endowment created by the Lebowitzes' gift of $1 million; the amount gifted is $25,000 for each honoree.
  • The winning submission will have the opportunity to be published in the Journal of the American Philosophical Association. Publication will be arranged by mutual agreement of the winners and the journal's editorial board.
  • American Philosophical Association members are eligible to nominate or self-nominate. (Although prizewinners are required to be members of the American Philosophical Association, this membership may be arranged after the winners are selected.)

The 2024 Lebowitz Winners

Kate Manne and David Livingstone Smith


Nominations for the Lebowitz Prize:


Staff Contact

Please email with any inquiries or call (202) 265-3808

Nomination Process

Nominations are NOW OPEN and will close on November 30th.

 A complete nomination will consist of the following, and can be uploaded into the form: 

  • Two 300 word abstracts: one for each speaker, which details the proposed topic and the approach that will be taken in the symposium. 
  • A complete CV for both proposed speakers. 
  • Two letters of recommendation. Ideally, the reference will have knowledge of both proposed speakers.  Letters should address the stature of the candidates and the relevance of the selected topic.  

Previous Recipients

2023 Kristie Dotson and Susanna Siegel: Norms of Attention

2022 Cristina Lafont and Alex Guerrero: Democracy: What’s Wrong? What Should We Do?

2021 Ned Block and Ian Phillips: Perception, Consciousness and the Self 

2020 Laurie Paul and Agnes Callard: Personal Transformation and Practical Reason

2019 Michael Bratman and Margaret Gilbert: What is it to Act Together?

2018 Kit Fine and Stephen Yablo: What is Meaning?

2017 Nancy Cartwright and Elliott Sober: Is There Such a Thing as The Scientific Method? 

2016 Ernest Sosa and Stephen Stich: Intuition

2015 Alvin Goldman and Jennifer Lackey: Social Epistemology

2014 Jonathan Schaffer and Jessica Wilson: Grounding in Metaphysics

2013 Anita Silvers and Eva Kittay: Expanding Justice, Including Disability