On Tuesday October 3, 2017, Phi Beta Kappa Secretary/CEO Fred Lawrence and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist William Marimow spoke on "The Contours of Free Expression on Campus" at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut. The event was presented by Bridging Divides: Higher Education’s Role in Advancing Understanding and Promoting a Just Society and co-sponsored by the Trinity College Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa.

A recorded version is available below for those who were not able to join the live event. Interested in further reading? See Secretary Lawrence’s article in AAC&U’s Liberal Education on “The Contours of Free Expression.”

Frederick M. Lawrence

Lawrence is Secretary and Chief Executive Officer of the Phi Beta Kappa Society. A lawyer and civil rights scholar who is one of the nation’s leading experts on bias crimes and free expression, he has served as President of Brandeis University and Dean of the George Washington Law School and is currently a Distinguished Lecturer at the Georgetown Law Center. 

William K. Marimow

Marimow is a two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and longtime editor of The Philadelphia Inquirer who now serves as vice president and editor- at-large of Philadelphia Media Network. Marimow studied First Amendment law at Harvard Law School as a Nieman Fellow. He graduated from Trinity College in 1969 and served as a member of its Board of Trustees from 2008 to 2015.  

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