Phi Beta Kappa Recognizes Four Outstanding Associations at 46th Triennial Council
WASHINGTON, DC, August 4, 2021 — As part of its 46th Triennial Council, the Phi Beta Kappa Society recognized four outstanding associations – Baltimore, Delaware Valley, Detroit, and New York – for their work to engage members and represent Phi Beta Kappa in their communities. The awards, presented once every three years, are accompanied by a small monetary prize to help the winners further their efforts in their communities.
This Triennial’s recipients especially reflect local vibrancy and a commitment to furthering diversity and opportunity. The Baltimore Association was praised for examining issues of national importance through a local lens. The Delaware Valley Association made a significant effort to attract new members and offer more programming, adding a book club and monthly young professional events.
The Detroit Association has emerged as a leader in local member and chapter outreach as well as a voice on issues of diversity and inclusion. The New York Association has also taken an active role in examining issues of diversity and opportunity, creating a subcommittee on its board and focusing its scholarship efforts to assist community college students transferring to Phi Beta Kappa institutions.
“Phi Beta Kappa’s network of associations offers the chance for thousands of members to engage in learning for all life,” said Society Secretary and CEO Fred Lawrence. “We count on our associations to play this important role in their communities and are very proud to highlight the work of these four exemplary organizations.”
About The Phi Beta Kappa Society
Founded on Dec. 5, 1776, The Phi Beta Kappa Society is the nation's most prestigious academic honor society. It has chapters at 290 colleges and universities in the United States, nearly 50 alumni associations, and more than half a million members worldwide. Noteworthy members include 17 U.S. Presidents, 42 U.S. Supreme Court Justices and more than 150 Nobel Laureates. The mission of The Phi Beta Kappa Society is to champion education in the liberal arts and sciences, foster freedom of thought, and recognize academic excellence. For more information, visit